
Publications in peer-reviewed journals

40. Scharnweber, K., Milano, S., Hühn, D. 2024. Influence of the dietary contribution of terrestrial insects to the condition factor of bleak Alburnus alburnus in a highly polluted lowland river. Journal of Fish Biology. In Press

39. Scharnweber, K., Scholz, C., Schippenbeil, V., Milano, S. & Hühn, D. 2024. Effects of mining activities on fish communities and food web dynamics in a lowland river. Ecology and Evolution: 14 (3) e11111.

38. Závorka, L., Blanco A., Chaguaceda, F., Cucherousset, J., Killen, S.S., Lienart, C., Mathieu-Resuge, M., Němec, P., Pilecky, M., Scharnweber, K., Twining, C., W. & Kainz, M. J. 2022. The role of bioactive molecules as a common currency in eco-evo-devo dynamics. TREE: 38 (1) 72-84.

37. Andersson, M. L., Scharnweber, K., & Eklöv, P. 2022. The interaction between metabolic rate, habitat choice, and resource use in a polymorphic freshwater species. Ecology and Evolution 12 (8).

36. Mehner, T., Attermeyer, K., Brauns, M., Brothers, S., Hilt, S., Scharnweber, K., van Dorst, R., Vanni, M. J., & Gaedke, U. 2022. Trophic transfer efficiency in lakes. 25th Anniversary Paper. Ecosystems 25: 1628-1652

35. Voigt, C. C. Kaiser, K., Look, S., Scharnweber. K. & Scholz, C. 2022. Wind turbines without curtailment produce large numbers of bat fatalities throughout their lifetime: A call against ignorance and neglect. Global Ecology and Conservation 37 e02149.

34. Scharnweber, K., Peura, S., Attermeyer, K., Bertilsson, S., Bolender, L., Buck, M., Einarsdóttir, K., Garcia, S. L., Gollnisch, R., Grasset, C., Groeneveld, M., Hawkes, J., Lindström, E. S., Manthey, C., Rengefors, K., Sedano-Núñez, V. T., Tranvik, L. J., Övergaard, R. & Székely, A. J. 2021. Comprehensive analysis of chemical and biological problems associated with browning agents used in aquatic studies. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods. 19 (12) 818-835.

33. Scharnweber, K.*, Andersson, M. L.*, Chaguaceda, F., Eklöv, P. 2021. Intra-specific differences in metabolic rates shape carbon stable isotope trophic discrimination factors of muscle tissue in the common teleost Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Ecology and Evolution 11 (14): 9804-9814. *both authors contributed equally.

32. Twining, C. W., Bernhardt, J. R., Derry, A. M., Hudson, C., Ishikawa, A., Kabeya, N., Kainz, M. J., Kitano, J., Kowarik, C., Ladd, S. N., Leal, M. C., Scharnweber, K., Shipley, J. R., & Matthews, B. 2021. The evolutionary ecology of fatty-acid variation: implications for consumer adaptation and diversification. Ecology Letters 24 (8) 1709-1731.

31. Scharnweber, K., Chaguaceda, F. & Eklöv, P. 2021. Fatty acid accumulation in feeding types of a natural freshwater fish population. Oecologia 196: 53-63.

30. Chaguaceda, F., Scharnweber, K., Dalman, E., Tranvik, L. & Eklöv, P. 2021. Short-term apparent mutualism drives responses of aquatic prey to increasing productivity. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (4): 834-845.

29. Scharnweber, K. & Gårdmark, A. 2020. Feeding specialists on fatty acid rich prey have higher gonad weights: pay-off in Baltic perch? Ecosphere 11(8):e03234. 10.1002/ecs2.3234.

28. Grasset, C., Sobek, S., Scharnweber, K., Moras, S., Villwock, H., Andersson, S., Hiller, C., Chaguaceda, F., Colom, W. & Tranvik, L. 2020. Non-linear response of the CO2-equivalent balance of freshwater ecosystems to productivity. Global Change Biology 26 (10): 5705-5715.

27. Scharnweber, K. 2020. Morphological and trophic divergence of lake and stream minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). Ecology and Evolution 10 (15): 8358-8367.

26. Chaguaceda, F., Eklöv, P. & Scharnweber, K. 2020. Regulation of fatty acid composition related to ontogenetic changes and niche differentiation of a common aquatic consumer. Oecologia 193: 325–336.

25. Scharnweber, K., Chaguaceda, F., Dahlman, E., Eklöv, P. & Tranvik, L. J. 2019. The emergence of fatty acids – Aquatic insects as vectors along a productivity gradient. Freshwater Biology 65 (3): 565-578.

24. Marklund M. H. K., Svanbäck, R., Faulks, L., Breed, M., Scharnweber, K., Zha, Y. & Eklöv, P. 2019. Asymmetrical habitat coupling of an aquatic predator – the importance of individual specialisation. Ecology and Evolution 9 (6): 3405-3415.

23. Nydahl, A. C., Wallin, M. B., Tranvik, L. J., Hiller, C., Attermeyer, K., Garrison, J., Chaguaceda, F., Scharnweber, K. & Weyhenmeyer, G. A. 2019. Colored organic matter increases CO2 in meso-eutrophic lake water through altered light climate and acidity. Limnology & Oceanography 64 (2): 744-756.

22. Mehner, T., Lischke, B., Scharnweber, K., Attermeyer, K., Brothers, S., Gaedke, U., Hilt, S. & Brucet, S. 2018. Empirical correspondence between trophic transfer efficiency in freshwater food webs and the slope of their size spectra. Ecology 99 (6): 1463-1472.

21. Marklund, M. H. K., Svanbäck, R., Zha, Y., Scharnweber, K. & Eklöv, P. 2018. The influence of habitat accessibility on the dietary and morphological specialization of an aquatic predator. Oikos 127 (1): 160-169.

20. Lischke, B., Mehner, T., Hilt, S., Attermeyer, K., Brauns, M., Brothers, S., Grossart, H. P., Köhler, J. Scharnweber, K. & Gaedke, U. 2017. Benthic carbon is inefficiently transferred in the food webs of two eutrophic shallow lakes. Freshwater Biology 62(10): 1693-1706.

19. Scharnweber, K., Strandberg, U., Karlsson, K. & Eklöv, P. 2016. Decrease of Population Divergence in Eurasian Perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Browning Waters: Role of Fatty Acids and Foraging Efficiency. PLOSone 11(9): e0162470. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0162470.

18. Scharnweber, K., Strandberg, U. Marklund, M. H. K. & Eklöv, P. 2016. Combining resource use assessment techniques reveal trade-offs in trophic specialization of perch. Ecosphere 7(8): e01387. 10.1002/ecs2.1387.

17. Syväranta, J., Scharnweber, K., Brauns, M. Hilt, S. & Mehner, T. 2016. Assessing the utility of hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes in estimating consumer allochthony in two shallow eutrophic lakes. PLOSone 11(5): e0155562. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0155562.

16. Mikolajewski, D., Scharnweber, K., Jiang, B., Leicht, S., Mauersberger, R. Johansson, F. & Rolff, J. 2016. Changing the habitat: the evolution of inter-correlated traits to escape from predators. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 29: 1394-1405.

15. Mehner, T., Attermeyer, K., Brauns, M., Brothers, S., Diekmann, J., Gaedke, U., Grossart, H.-P., Köhler, J., Lischke, B., Meyer, N., Scharnweber, K., Syväranta, J., Vanni M. J. & Hilt, S. 2016. Weak response of animal allochthony and production to enhanced supply of terrestrial leaf litter in nutrient-rich lakes. Ecosystems 19: 311-325.

14. Lischke, B., Weithoff, G., Wickham, S. A., Attermeyer, K., Grossart, H.-P., Scharnweber, K., Hilt, S. & Gaedke, U. 2016. Large biomass of small feeders: Ciliates may dominate herbivory in eutrophic lakes. Journal of Plankton Research 38 (1): 2-15.

13. Tobler, M., Scharnweber, K., Greenway, R., Passow, C., Arias-Rodriguez, L., & García-De-León, F. 2015. Convergent changes in the trophic ecology of extremophile fish occurring along replicated environmental gradients. Freshwater Biology 60(4): 768-780.

12. Hilt, S., Wanke, T., Scharnweber, K., Brauns, M., Syväranta, J., Brothers, S., Gaedke, U., Köhler, J., Lischke, B. & Mehner T. 2015. Contrasting response of two shallow eutrophic lakes to a partial winterkill of fish. Hydrobiologia 749(1): 31-42.

11. Scharnweber, K., Vanni, M.J., Hilt, S., Diekmann, J., & Mehner, T. 2014. Boomerang ecosystem subsidies: Organic carbon inputs from land to lakes are returned to terrestrial food webs via aquatic insects. Oikos 123: 1439-1448.

10. Brothers, S., Köhler, J., Attermeyer, K., Grossart, H-P., Mehner, T., Meyer, N., Scharnweber. K & Hilt, S. 2014. A feedback loop links brownification and anoxia in a temperate, shallow lake. Limnology and Oceanography 59(4): 1388-1398.

09. Scharnweber, K., Syväranta, J., Hilt, S., Brauns, M., Vanni, M.J., Brothers, S., Köhler, J., Knežević-Jarić, J. & Mehner, T. 2014. Whole-lake experiments reveal the fate of terrestrial particulate organic carbon in benthic food webs of shallow lakes. Ecology 95 (6): 1496-1505.

08. Brothers, S., Hilt, S., Attermeyer, K., Grossart, H-P., Kosten, S., Lischke, B., Mehner, T., Meyer, N., Scharnweber, K. & Köhler, J. 2013. A regime shift from macrophyte to phytoplankton dominance enhances carbon burial in a shallow, eutrophic lake. Ecosphere 4:11 DOI: 10.1890/ES13-00247.1.

07. Scharnweber, K., Watanabe, K., Syväranta, J., Wanke, T., Monaghan, M.T. & Mehner, T. 2013. Effects of predation pressure and resource use on morphological divergence in omnivorous prey fish. BMC Evolutionary Biology 13:132, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2148-13-132.

06. Scharnweber, K., Plath, M. & Tobler, M. 2011. Trophic niche segregation between the sexes in two species of livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae). Bulletin of Fish Biology 13:11-20.

05. Scharnweber,K., Plath, M., Winemiller, K.O. & Tobler, M. 2011. Dietary niche overlap in sympatric asexual and sexual livebearing fishes (Poecilia spp.). Journal of Fish Biology 79:1760-1773.

04. Scharnweber,K., Plath, M. & Tobler, M. 2011. Examination of boldness traits in sexual and asexual mollies (Poecilia latipinna, P. formosa). Acta Ethologica 14:77-83.

03. Scharnweber,K., Plath, M. & Tobler, M. 2011. Feeding efficiency and food competition in coexisting sexual and asexual livebearing fishes of the genus Poecilia. Environmental Biology of Fishes 90:197-205.

02. Riesch, R., Duwe, V., Herrmann, N., Padur, L., Ramm, A., Scharnweber, K., Schulte, M., Schulz-Mirbach, T., Ziege, M. & Plath, M. 2009. Variation along the shy-bold continuum in extremophile fishes (Poecilia mexicana, Poecilia sulphuraria). Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 63:1515-1526.

01. Ziege, M., Padur, L., Duwe, V., Ramm, A., Scharnweber, K., Riesch, R. & Plath, M. 2008. Audience effect alters mate choice in male Heterophallus milleri (Poeciliidae). Bulletin of Fish Biology 10:87-92.

Submitted manuscripts

Andersson, M.*, Scharnweber, K.*, Eklöv, P. Environmental and ecological drivers of eye size variation in a freshwater predator: a trade-off between foraging and predation risk. Under review in Functional Ecology.

*both authors contributed equally.